Friday, October 2, 2009

Went to the gym...

and Tracey showed me all the big scary equipment and made me have a go at everything so I would know how it all worked. Not convinced that the gym is going to be my thing! But ... I've paid the subscription now so tough - will have to learn to love it I guess! Broke into a sweat just checking out how it all worked so can only imagine what a 'real' workout will be like! But I held my head high and thought I have just as much right to be here as anyone else does (thanks for the words of encouragement there Rhonda). Got a busy weekend as it is my Dad's partners 70th birthday today so big party planned for tonight. Have decided not to drink alcohol but will allow some points for supper instead so hopefully there'll be some healthy choices to choose from. Think I will give the gym another try on my own either Sun afternoon when I get back or Mon after work. Will keep you posted. TNT xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweets, Giant big cyber hugs to you. Well done. So proud of you. Joining the gym is a big step, believe me been there done that. You will learn to love it. When i lost my first big lot of weight 6yrs ago, i started going to one and i ended up a gym junkie, hehehe I would love that buzz again. Don't worry about the sweats, just take your hand towel and wipe your brow and remember, sweating means you are working hard and when you are finished you will feel on top of the world because you had a great workout.
    Hun have a wonderful night at the party. Dont think to much of what or what you shouldnt eat. Just relax and enjoy the night.
    Many more hugs and kisses,
