Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nearly the end of week 3

and haven't been quite so strict this week so am a little worried about tomorrow nights weigh in! Apart from the god sons birthday I've been sticking pretty much to my points but am worried now that maybe I haven't eaten enough! After Sat night I decided to reduce my points by 4 per day for the rest of the week to make up for it so I should be fine but also aware that not eating enough points is not always beneficial either! Oh well I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the scales have to say tomorrow night and if it's not so great at least I'll know where I went wrong ay!
Had an awesome day today, went on a professional development course where I learnt to play the ukulele! It was fantastic!!!! I suck but at least I've got enthusiasm lol and can only get better (hopefully) with LOTS of practice! (I'm an Early Childhood Teacher for those of you who were wondering lol).
I was a bit worried about lunch as it was provided but there were lots of yummy healthy choices so I opted for those and avoided the savouries and creamy cake. Went for a herbal tea at morning tea and bypassed the muffin too. Hell I'd better lose some weight tomorrow - I think I deserve to just for that! Feeling good though and have stuck within my points and just finished off the day with a WW chocolate cheesecake (very yummy) and a chupa chup (mmm).
Off to aqua aerobics again in the morning (still loving it) and have organised for my 'physical activities co-ordinator' to hold my hand at the gym on Fri afternoon as I still haven't worked up the courage to put my foot through that door on my own yet! I don't know what it is but I just find the whole gym thing a little bit (actually a big bit) scary! Best I get over that pretty soon as I've signed up for 12 months so be stupid not to take advantage of it.
Off to bed now so will post again tomorrow and update my progress. TNT xoxo

Saturday, September 26, 2009

First slip up :-(

Today I had my 9 year old godson and we went to KFC (his choice for his birthday) but I was good and had a chicken fillet salad, then to the pools where we floundered around and chased one another in the water for a couple of hours (good excercise)! So all sounds great ay? Then I take him home and his Mum had put on a bit of a spread for him and not a healthy choice in sight, so what did I do? I ate savouries and sausage rolls and cheerios and chippies and then topped it all off with a piece of birthday cake! Damn it all I am dissapointed with myself :-( but then on the bright side I'm thinking ok it was bad but I didn't totally lose it like I have in the past and am already thinking back on track tomorrow and ... I'm on here telling you guys about it instead of eating!Wow that was a big, long blow out, but I do feel better now I've got it off my chest!
Yesterday I signed up for 12 months membership at the pools where I go swimming, which gives me unlimited access to all the facilities in the complex - pools, GYM!!!, aqua aerobic classes etc as I can fit in! I'm scared of the gym but am so gonna do it and after todays slip up perhaps I'd better start tomorrow! Oh well onwards and upwards - or in this case downwards lol.
P.S. Can't work out how to reply to anyone's comments on here so I'm not ignoring you and do appreciate the support. I think I have to sign up to something to be able to comment? If anyone knows how this works please let me know. Ta. TNT xoxo

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yeehah another 1.4 gone

and feeling great! Aqua aerobics again this morning and still loving it. Next week will be a challenge with daylight saving and the early morning but will see how it goes. Not giving up on the class will just maybe catch a later one lol. Although at that hour of the morning at least there's no excuses of things cropping up that could happen later in the day I guess! Weigh in tonight and down 1.4 making my total loss in 2 weeks 3.9kg!!! Gosh it's possible I could get to my 1st 5kgs next week even! Here's hoping but also trying not to put too much pressure on myself. Slow and steady wins the race ay. TNT xoxo

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I loved it!

Aqua aerobics was great I loved it (and trust me I have NEVER said that about any form of excercise before)! Going back again in the morning for another go. Been a long day today - straight from work to a meeting and then did groceries before getting home so am knackered and off to bed soon. It's neat discovering all these new low fat treats that I never even knew were available before and some of them are really yummy! The WW sour cream and chive potato crisps are even better than chippies! Weigh in tomorrow so post how it goes. Been another good week so heres hoping the scales tell the same story! TNT (til next time for those of you who don't do text speak lol) I'm just thinking I'm clever as I finally worked out what that means!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Off to Aqua Aerobics

Now how's this for dedication? It's not even 6am and I'm up (miracle #1), functional(miracle #2) and going to aqua aerobics before work (miracles will never cease)!!! Been a good week so far, had a real hungry day yesterday, not sure why as chose lots of filling foods but just the way it goes sometimes I guess. Managed to stick within points range though so all is good. Right best get myself down to the pools so maybe I'll log in later on and let you know how it all goes!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I did it!!!

went to the BBQ made some awesome choices and feel really good about them! Had yummy lunch of steak, kebeb and lots of salad with beetroot and asparagus on the side and chose fresh fruit as dessert! Wow I can do this. Washed it all down with coke zero and came home with points to spare - feeling great! Thanks guys for your comments and wow I feel like a pop star with 'followers' lol. Not sure yet how to reply to anyone directly but I'm sure I'll work it out eventually! Cold, miserable evening here and decided not to go to surprise party (one can only be so social in a day lol) so I'm going to indulge and curl up in front of TV with a blanket and some point friendly snacks.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Am feeling great! This is the 1st day of my second week with weight watchers and so far so good. I lost 2.5kgs when I weighed in last night so am really pleased with that. It's very scary going public like this but as I said in my profile I figure the more people who know about this the more likely I am to not give up! This weekend is going to be a bit of a challenge for me as I have a family 50th birthday BBQ lunch tomorrow and then a surprise party for a friend in the evening. I'm going armed with diet coke as I know myself too well and after a few alcoholic drinks it'll be oh well may as well eat heaps too! Wish me luck. I feel really positive about this journey and hope I can always remain this positive but sadly I know from previous experience that times will get tough! That's where you guys come in helping me to stay on the right track. Will post again soon,
C xoxo