Saturday, October 31, 2009

A good day yesterday and aiming for another today...

Well I have really been struggling lately and it showed on the scales Thurs with a whopping great gain of 2.3! Even after that I struggled for a couple of days but finally had a good day points wise yesterday so hoping maybe I'm back on track. I'm certainly feeling a lot more positive today! Wow it's scary when the motivation suddenly just goes. It's like one day I'm fine and the next it's all downhill and feeling like I can't get back on track. Scary stuff. But ... am still hanging in there and still planning on staying there! Not expecting much of a loss this week - but some will be better than none and certainly better than a gain but hoping by the following week it will have evened out again and I'll be back under that dreaded 10kg!
Started off as a beautiful sunny day here today but now it's clouding over and feels like the temperature is dropping! Hope everyone has a great day. TNT xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Yay for you! A huge pat on the back for a) coming to WI even though you must have been dreading it, b) having a good points day and c) finding your motivation and positivity again.

    Keep up the good work
    Andrea :)
