Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can feel that motivation slipping

and I'm scared! Got far too much weight to lose to be feeling like that. And why do I? It's not like it's hard to eat healthily or stay within points. Today on the way home from work I called into McD's a bought a burger, then came home and went to sleep. An old habit that I haven't done since joining WW. Was a very busy day @ work and I was very tired but still... Mind you I didn't get the fries or coke that I normally would have so I guess that's an improvement. Just been little things in the past few weeks - the odd uncounted treat, the decreasing amount of excercise, and my mindset that worry me that i'm starting to lose motivation. History says I do this around the 10kg mark and I have no idea why. This time I really want to get over that and carry on. Anyone have any suggestions, tips, arse kicking thoughts for me???


  1. Just put it out of your mind...the more you focus on that 10 kilo mark and the fact you feel motivation waning the more likely it is to happen...just make a real effort not to put thought into it. Focus on one meal at a time and i am sure you will be fine

    kazz =]

  2. I have failed many times in the past but at the moment I am having some success - the difference this time for me is that I am taking a much calmer approach and trying to keep things into prospective (the slightest thing would happen I was back at the drive thru) and not get to hung up on things – I have started to achieve this by having some counselling over the last few months – I have found talking to someone about how I am really feeling has made a big difference

  3. Hiya

    You are not alone and you certainly are in no way unusual!!! I have never ever met anyone who has tried to lose weight and not had days (or longer periods, I am too embarrased to report exactly how long some of mine have been) when motivation got wobbly.

    I think the most important thing is not to let that stop you getting to your goal. Why not re-examine the goals you made at the beginning of this process? Focus on what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it.

    Celebrate the awesome choices you have been making over the last few weeks, the gym, the exercycle out of the garage, drinking water at the function you went to... You are doing fantastically well.

    Don't be too hard on yourself! Remember that you are trying to undo a lot of habits and behaviours that (if you are anything like me) have been part of your life for a pretty long time. It does take time for the new ones to become more natural/second-nature than the old.

    Look at how successful your weight loss has been so far. You are really getting somewhere. You know you can do this because you already ARE doing it!!!

    Finally, I would really agree with Jody and Kazz about not getting stressed out, and not focussing on that 10kg mark. You don't want to turn it into some scary thing. It's just a number. It has no power over your behaviour at all. Just focus on your goals, and making good choices and the numbers will take care of themselves.

    Sorry to blab on and on, but I sooooo know where you are coming from.

    Lots of good wishes!!!!


  4. Wow thanks all for your words of wisdom and encouragement. You are all so right, it is just a number and I reached it last night and am now aiming for the next one! Will update blog tonight when I have more time xoxo

  5. just checking in on you hun, how was your week? do we still need to kick your ass? stay strong and stay focused. Set yourself a new mini goal and get working and moving to achieve it.

  6. I hope the motivation has come back now! You are doing so well.
    This is certainly not an easy thing to do and although I've only been on WW for 6 months, I've had a LOT of motivation issues on and off.
    BUT! I tell myself that if I still feel like this in 3 days time, then I can quit. And then I can go back to how I was and stacking it all on again. Scare tactics work for me (personally) so I use them to full advantage on myself!!

    Keep at it! The scales are going down, you are learning new skills, and MOST IMPORTANTLY you are discovering an inner strength that you never knew you had.

    (Tonkstar on the WW boards)
